Holy crap on the holiest of crackers.
I finished this piece of genius today. I didn’t want it to end.
But it has.
Gonna try and break this down for you so I can stick to the freaking point for once.
Point One – My love for Wanda Maximoff knows no bounds…
Wanda Maximoff is the strongest Avenger.
And y’all can fight me on that.
But that’s not even why I love her.
She is messy, and complex and her story never goes right where you think it will or should, and even when it changes from your own vision (see what I did there?) you can’t help but love it.
We’ve seen her go from an enemy and a messed up kid, to hero, to… whatever she is now.
And I’m not quite sure what that is. Which is exciting as all hell.
So the point of this section is too say that, if Wanda Maximoff is featured in anything, I’m definitely gonna love it.
Point Two – The aesthetics are everything…
Even without the kick ass writing and amazing acting from everyone involved, just the whole visual of this series makes me so very happy.
Here’s that spoiler alert coming into full effect.
With each decade, and sitcom and genre that Wanda and Vision’s story is told through the set dressers, hair and makeup people, costume designers and sound people, literally everyone captures each episode so amazingly well.
And I liiiivveeee for some good fifties fashion so episode one had me all smiley.
Also just as a sidenote, I want to steal Wanda Maximoff’s hair. Just saying.
Summary point being, even if you watched the whole series with the sound off, you can just see how much care, attention and detail went into the visual storytelling and girl when I tell you it gave me LIFE.
Point Three – Love is messy, beautiful and sometimes, just sometimes, it is so very unkind…
Okay this point is one HUGE SPOILER ALERT. Scroll down to past the next picture to avoid it.

The whole trigger point for the events of WandaVision is the love between the two of them. More accurately, it is the hole left when Vision is ripped away from Wanda and the inconsolable grief that follows.
Most people I know have experienced grief in some way or another. Be it family, friend or a pet. I don’t have to explain to those people how there are no words that can accurately describe the hurt that comes with grief.
And as already discussed, Wanda has an unimaginable level of power, that is deeply routed to her emotions. We see as much in her first film appearance when she loses her twin brother Pietro. She is so connected to the worlds around her that she literally feels him passing and we see the destruction she unthinkingly causes when it happens.
AKA, some Ultron robots get f*cking obliterated.
Honestly I wasn’t even surprised that when her pain and grief overtook her, Wanda lost control of her powers. And I was even less surprised at what form that loss of control took.
When someone dies, when we lose someone or something that is so intrinsically important to us, that it feels like part of us has died too… who wouldn’t give anything and everything to bring that person back?
It just so happens that Wanda has the power to do it, without even being aware that she has for a very long time.
As Vision says “But what is grief, if not love persevering?” (I will forever be angry that I didn’t come up with that line, but I digress…)
I think what that means is that, we grieve in our own ways and in our own time, because grief is what love becomes when the object of the affection is gone.
Grief is just love existing in another form so that it can persevere and triumph over the ultimate end that is death.
That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt though. Like I said. Sometimes, in some forms, love is so very unkind.
Point Four – The changes…
Just because this might be my favourite series I have ever watched, doesn’t make it perfect.
Perfection is an opinion in most cases.
And don’t get me wrong, I could quite happily sit and watch and rewatch and rewatch this show, probably forever.
That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t change a couple things.
Maybe it’s because I’m a writer and I can’t help but rewrite and plan things about anything and everything I watch.
But yeah I’d change a couple bits, or adjust them. I’ll give you one example.
Another spoiler alert here. Just keep scrolling to the picture, you should know the drill by now.

Agatha –
In all honestly, I’m not 100% sure that the Agatha storyline was totally needed? Is it just me? Like, it made for a really cool twist that I actually for once, did not completely see coming a mile away. And Kathryn Hahn played her brilliantly.
But to me, I think you could have reached the same outcome of the series without her being there, just with a few tweaks to the script.
Like you have Tyler Hayward from S.W.O.R.D as the big bad outsider who wants to destroy Wanda and make money and weapons from Visions body. And I feel like he would have been enough of an antagonist. Change a few things and add a couple of new scenes, and Wanda could have become Scarlett Witch without Agatha’s influence.
It’s really difficult to explain. Because Agatha was a perfect villain, as the power hungry witch who is seemingly all knowing in comparison to Wanda. I loved her story, her portrayal and she makes up a big part of a series that I love.
But in my analytical side, I could also see the perspective that she is just a tiny bit of a convenient plot device for background and exposition on Wanda, her past and her powers.
Idk. Still working that one out.
Whelp. That’s all my points for now. I’m sleepy and want a snack.
Overall summary – if you have seen WandaVision, y’all already know how good it is. If you haven’t then what are you waiting for?
Go watch it!
What are you still doing here?!