It’s been a minute.

Honestly though, I’m sorry I’ve been gone so long.
Lotta sh*t going on.
Let me give you a quick rundown:
1. Wrote four different personal statements.
2. Turned 21.
3. Spent two weeks sh*tting myself about my driving test.
4. Did the driving test.
5. Passed the driving test.
6. Got my second job.
And now I need a nap.
So yeah; busy, busy, crazy, crazy, sad, sad, Christmas, Christmas.
And honestly, yeah I’ve had a lot going on but to be honest, I haven’t really had a lot to say.
Yeah I know. Even I laughed at that one.
But it’s true, or rather, I haven’t had the right words to say what I think I should say.
But I think I do now.
So let’s go through what we’re looking at today:
1. Deep breath.
2. Christmastime, viruses and wine.
3. Look up (the film review that you should have had last week.)
This is going to be a relatively short bit.
It’s just something I’ve started doing on advice from a couple people.
Whether it’s a deep breath to settle your mind before you make a decision, or you use the box breathing method to pull yourself out of a panic attack, breathing is good.
Especially ya know, for the whole “staying alive” thing.
So if I’m honest I’ve kind of been avoiding the news like it’s that weird guy at a bus stop.
But I’ve kind of got the gist of what’s going on.
First of all, truly, my heart goes out to everyone who won’t be able to be with their families this Christmas. Even the people who can only do so for a day, I can’t begin to imagine how sucky that is.
So this Christmas let’s make it as good as it can be.
Kids and childish adults, feel free to continue the tradition of waking your parents up at the butt-crack of
dawn, but why don’t you make your mum a cup of tea after doing so?
Message that friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, even if it’s just to say Merry Christmas.
Roll your eyes harder than ever at lame cracker jokes but laugh harder than ever when someone starts rolling out the rude ones.
Eat. And eat, and eat, and eat, and eat. You deserve it.
Appreciate what you have and forget about what you wanted.
And If you know that someone is alone, don’t let them feel it. We should all be pretty good with zoom and facetime by now.
Or even just a text.
Think about it.
If one person is physically alone at Christmas, but every single person in their phone or Facebook or address book sent them a card or a text or an email or gave them a call? It might feel a little less lonely.


The actual review portion of this section will be quite small.
I can tell you that this may be my new favourite Christmas film and one of top ten films in general.
It is funny and sweet and sad and life affirming.
Down on her luck Kate hasn’t been able to get her life back together after recovering from a severe illness. Having been kicked out off the sofa’s of every friend she has; Kate is avoiding her neurotic Yugoslavian mother, watching her ex lawyer father drive mini cabs to avoid the family home, accidently outing her sister and causing a break in at the year round Christmas shop where she works. To sum it up she’s pretty much hit rock bottom.
Then she meets Tom.
Who is cute.
But weird.
And sweet.
But weird.
But so very, very cute.
Through taking Kate on random trips to the hidden beauties of London, breaking into an ice skating rink, introducing her to the homeless shelter where he volunteers and a lot of tough love, Tom starts Kate on the road to putting her shattered life back together.
And he does it all with two words.
Look up.
And that’s the bit I want to talk about.
Look up.
Seriously. Right now. Look up.
It doesn’t matter what you’re looking at.
You’re reading a news story on twitter that is just utterly f*cking depressing.
Look up.
You’re leant over trying to catch your breath because panic attacks are a bitch.
Look up.
People spend their lives with their heads down. Looking at phones, avoiding human interaction or just
because the weight of their own thoughts makes their heads so goddamn heavy.
And if your head is low and your eyes are down, you’re going to miss everything going past you.
Look up.
And have a Merry Christmas x