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No Man's Land


Hello my fine furry friends!

So Christmas Day has been and gone and Boxing Day has said adieu.

We’re in that weird spot between Christmas and New Years and I for one always find this time difficult.

And honestly I don’t know why.

I think maybe partly because I looooooooooooooove Christmas so much and get so excited on the build up to Christmas Day that the come down on the other side is rough.

I mean I assume that’s part of the reason, because I’m like that with everything. Fly high, crash hard.

But I’m working on that.

I think the best way to keep going is to look ahead.

It’s less than a week till New Years.

Then I start a new job.

I have lots of new books to read.

And I have to get my uni application in.

And that’s just January.

My point is, I think if you look hard enough, there is always something (no matter how small) to look forward to.

Short term and long term goals right?

And that time distance is not set. A short term goal could literally be one thing you need to accomplish today.

For example: today’s short term goal is to read the course content for a uni course I’m applying for.

That’s it. Just read one page on a website.

Small achievements are still achievements.

And if all you achieve today or tomorrow is getting up and making your bed then be proud of that, coz that sh*t can be hard as hell.

And a long term goal can be years away, but you can still look forward to it.

When I first got sick, we booked our Orlando trip maybe three weeks (?) after I got out of hospital.

At that time the holiday was over a year away.

But that tiny glimmer of light in the distance kept me going for a long f*cking time.

Enjoy the moment but keep moving forwards.

Look ahead.

Look up.


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