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Luke; I Am Your Father (even if I am a day late)


Nothing like staying true to form and sharing your Father’s Day post a day late.

This will be short and eye wateringly sweet (maybe. I don’t do sweet very well. I is a salty bish).

First of all, the basics: HAPPY FATHERS DAY FOR YESTERDAY!

Happy Birthday to dads and grandads, stepdads and single dads. To heavenly dads and soon-to-be dads. To mums who are being dad as well and all those standing in for dads not around. Adoptefirst-timerst time dads and grandads all around.

Happy Father’s Day to my dad.

Correction: Happy Birthday to the man who is adamant he had no part in spawning me.

We both know the truth.

I got all your crazy. There’s no way I’m not yours.

Thank you for playing packhorse, taxi driver and my best friend.

Not to state the obvious but I wouldn’t be here without you. I wouldn’t still be here without you.

Here’s to the rest of our lives arguing over feminism and flipping mum off behind her back.

I love you xxxx


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