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Guess what? I'm not dead


Hello Ladies and Germs – I mean Gentlemen.

So it has been a minute.


Though I very much doubt that anyone is crying over my lack of posting, I still feel sh*tty for not maintaining this site the way I envisioned I would.

And again, while I’m sure no one is that fussed, I feel like I owe an explanation.




So, for once it wasn’t full scale depression that stopped me posting. I know! I’m just as surprised as you are!

Illness has still played a part however but this time it was more physical than mental.

Basically when I had the first dose of vaccine, let’s just say it well and truly kicked my arse.

I traded twelve hours of uncontrollable shivering for twelve hours of nasty-ass nausea and muscle cramps and then I traded the nausea for three weeks of crazy arm pain and a headache that just wouldn’t take the hint that it needed to f*ck off now.

But I am now fully vaccinated because with all that being said, you should all get the vaccine when you can because

A) I’m a little bitch when it comes to illness so y’all will probably be fine.

B) Being sick beats being dead as far as I know.

C) The second one was a cake walk compared to the first one.

Also, I had to actually reschedule my second jab because the week I was supposed to have it, I came down with a virus. Not THE virus, just a virus. Viral tonsilitis to be accurate. And with the sensation of knives down my throat came the most beautiful of coughs which meant I had to isolate until my PCR test results came back.

Less than 72 hours shut in my room and I went completely batsh*t.

I don’t like being alone.

So to cut a long story very short, I wasn’t posting because I literally physically felt so sh*t.

And then so many important events happened that I just didn’t/don’t feel qualified enough to talk about.

Obviously everything I say is my opinion, but I like to base my opinion on big topics in information and fact and like I said, I just didn’t feel qualified to talk about some of the stuff that was happening even from my own perspective and experiences.

Big things shall be saved for another time.

And of course, mental health played a part, but it mostly was the physical stuff and basically just trying to sort my life out.

Sooooo yeah.

I guess this one was basically just to explain why I was gone for so long and also, to let you know that I’m scrapping my posting schedule.

Ya know, coz I did such a good job sticking to it!

But in all seriousness, I’m not gonna have a posting schedule anymore. I’m gonna post what I want, when I want to. Cant be stressing about meeting deadlines that I’ve put on myself.

So stay tuned!


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