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Going To Magic Mike Live Alone Is Not As Awkward As You Might Think...


Let’s think about happier times.

Also, I thought I’d start with this particular trip so y’all can have a good laugh at my expense, coz goddamn the world is depressing right now.

So now that I’ve explained that, welcome to…

Why Going To Magic Mike Live Alone Was Not As Awkward As You Think It Might Be…

(Title needs some work but we’ll stick with it for now.)

So yeah.

February this year, I went to London by myself, and saw Magic Mike Live.

By myself.

And it really wasn’t as awkward as you might think it was.

But let me just rewind for a second.

Yes. Me, the socially awkward, certified dork and official loser that I am went to see MAGIC MIKE.

So, complete transparency, I was genuinely scared from the minute I booked my ticket to walking in the door, that I was going to freak out.

I don’t handle any kind of social interaction well. I don’t like hugging people for too long or shaking hands with strangers. But a bunch of half-naked, HOT, guys all up in my personal space?


What could possibly go wrong? *insert facepalm here*

Holy crap on a cracker Caitlin what did you get yourself into?

Now you may have noticed that I said I was scared until I walked in the door.

That is because the very first thing that happened was I got asked for ID by the door guy. It’s an 18 plus show (duh) but I am twenty years old dammit, do I really have that bad of a baby face?

So I got a little less scared just because that was funny. Then I kept getting less nervous because IT KEPT HAPPENING!

I got asked for ID by:

1. The door guy

2. The waitress (I literally only ordered a lemonade)

3. An usher (twice)

So, we were off to a good start, is what I’m trying to say.

I will say that the giggles induced by my apparent toddler-esque face, were quashed slightly by the fact that I felt and almost definitely looked out of place.

Every other woman there was heels, hair and highlighter. I was Harley Quinn shirt and heelies.

I’m kidding, my feet are too big for heelies (cry), but you get my drift. I felt incredibly under dressed.

So after I got ID’d by every man and his dog, I got shown to my seat.

The show starts…

And I’m not nervous anymore.

And that is for the following reasons:

A) The compare was f’ing hysterical.

Seriously, she was a funny lady.

B) The actual dance ability was insane. I’m talking hip hop, contemporary, tap and more.

Yeah, yeah, yeah they took their shirts off a lot woohoo. But the choreography was CRAZY GOOD! That’s just the dance nerd in me appreciating good work hahaha.

C) The cast were super friendly.

NOT LIKE THAT! Get your dirty little minds out of the gutter, cretins! I mean they were genuinely nice people.

There is a part of the show where they play “Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran and tell the audience to get up and have a slow dance with whoever they came to the show with.


The keener minds among you will remember, I was there alone. So one of the guys, got off the stage and asked if it was okay to slow dance with me.


So, we did. And we legit just talked about random sh*t till the song was over.

D) I think they must have consulted socially awkward dorks like myself when they were creating the show.

So obviously the whole show is aimed at women.

Although (side note) the very front table which has the best seats and is the most expensive, was a table of the campest gay guys I have ever seen, and I was LIVING FOR IT!


So yeah, the show is obviously aimed at women and the most fabulous of gays. And I know most people might roll their eyes at this but they’ve actually done a pretty good job at making it about female empowerment.

If you are at that show, you are in control of how much you are involved (murrrrr). Seriously if you are uncomfortable at any point, you just say the word (the word is Unicorn by the way) and the guys will back off, check you’re okay and if you want them too, they will move on.

Fellas take note.

Being a genuine gentleman is sexy. Even if it is your job. Manners are always hot.

So yeah.

That was my Magic Mike Experience. More than likely you are all laughing your arses off at me right now but eh, I had a good time.

And on a more meaningful note I think this proves that even the most hopeless of cases can conquer fears.

You just have to take a leap sometimes.

Before I walked into the Hippodrome Casino, if you had said to me “Caitlin your going to see Magic Mike Live – ya know, the one based on the stripper movie?” I would probably have laughed and then cried out of nervousness.

I know I keep making jokes about being socially awkward and anxious but I genuinely mean it. Like 9 times out of 10 I can’t even maintain eye contact with people I know, let alone strangers, and any kind of intimacy out of a platonic situation makes me want to hide in a small box. Even a hug my dudes. There has been many a fool who has received an elbow to the ribs because they hugged me when I wasn’t ready for it.

Not even an exaggeration.

But now?

Now I’m still an anxiety ridden, socially inept dork.

But it didn’t stop me booking a second trip they day I got home. That was supposed to be in June.

And unfortunately, Magic Mike Live is not exactly a socially distanced show (wink wink).

Ewww, I made myself cringe at that.

You get what I mean though, it will probably be one of the last west end shows to open again.

But you best believe when it does, I’m going back.

For research purposes of course. I want to make sure my decrease in nerves the first time wasn’t an anomalous result.

I am all about the science my dudes.

All jokes aside, and at the risk of sounding incredibly pretentious and reeaaalllly stupid; this show actually helped me. Hell yeah I had A LOT of fun, but it showed me that fear doesn’t have to ruin everything for you.

So hello.

My name is Caitlin.

I have severe anxiety that borders on crippling in social situations.

I went to Magic Mike Live even though I was too nervous for words.

I felt strong and powerful and I had a good time.

So next time you are afraid of doing something? Do it anyway.

You never know… you may end up slow dancing with a really cute guy…

If you enjoyed hearing me embarrass myself and laughed yourself silly at imagining how red my face got just writing this; then subscribe to get updates on all my embarrassing shenanigans.

That’s a good word. Shenanigans.

See ya Sunday!

Geronimo xx


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