So, I have what is apparently an unpopular opinion according to the ever-positive land of the internet but...
I think Frozen II is better than Frozen I.
I think the songs are better, not just lyrically but I feel they showcase the actors voices better, particularly Idina Menzel. Into The Unknown is a masterpiece.
And it may just be my interpretation, but I liked that it was a Disney movie not about love. Not directly anyway.
Think about it; almost every Disney film has some element of a love story.
Even the ones that don't e.g. Moana and Frozen I, do if that makes sense.
They're about familial love.
In my opinion Frozen II is about belonging, and finding where you are happiest, which Elsa does. To me, its main message is that sometimes you have to do what is right for you before you can do what is right for everyone else.
If you don’t look after yourself, you can’t take care of anyone else.
Olaf is gold as always and I won’t hear a word against the frosty little bugger.
Also, if you can, check out the documentary about the making of Frozen II on Disney+ because it’s insane. If I remember rightly, they were a year or maybe less than a year from premiere night and they hadn’t finalised the story, they had less than half the animation done and had only just started recording the songs. In fact Idina Menzel, voice of Elsa, when she announced she was returning for a sequel in 2017 two years before the premiere, said that they hadn’t even sent her a script or plot outline.
All the work really pays off though, through the songs, the story and particularly the animation. The detail is insane, the new characters and creatures are beautiful, and the settings are all stunning, particularly the enchanted forest.
It's not a perfect film by any stretch. I find the Ana/Kristoff subplot a bit jarring and pointless, but it plays for some good comedic moments and obviously that is important for a kids movie. I actually think that it may be aimed at slightly older children instead of really itty bitty ones; just because the story is a little more nuanced and has some darker moments, like when Arendelle’s history is revealed.
But I mean, these are dark by Disney standards not by general measurements of bad history of kingdoms. By real world standards, this is beyond tame, but I digress.
My recommendation: you should all go…
To summarise – Crowns don’t make queens.