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Six The Musical - A Review








And tonight, people of the internet, we are….


So you take the six wives of Henry VIII and bring them to the 21st century with a band, six inch heels and neon green sunglasses; and what do you get?

You get one of the best f*cking shows in the west end and the whole country!


Six The Musical is one of the best shows I have ever seen and let’s be honest, I’ve seen a fair few.

And when you consider that it was written and directed by two university students, neither of whom were studying history at the time? It’s even cooler.

For those of you who don’t know let me br-br-br-break it down for you and no I don’t know why I typed it like that and yes I can feel you judging me.

Oh and I guess kind of spoiler alert here too. Maybe. I’ll try and be vague-ish.

The premise of the show is that the wives of Henry VIII (Aragon, Boleyn, Seymour, Cleves, Howard and Parr, if you didn’t know) are back as a girl band and are ready to give you the concert of a lifetime!

But there is an issue.

Our Queens cannot decide who should lead the group. So they decide to compete. How do they do this?

By seeing who had to deal with the most BS from the man who put a ring on it.

Each Queen has their own song (if Howard’s doesn’t make you sob then you’re watching it wrong) and there are several group numbers as well.

The songs are incredible, they are entertaining, heart wrenching, hilarious and most of all way more informative than you would think!

Seriously, I learnt more about the Queens in the 75 minute show than I did at school ever.

The costuming is STUNNING! Honestly, if you don’t see the show just google the costumes, because they give me LIFE!

If you want to get a taste of the show, they actually allow you to film the final mashup song so there are hundreds of clips on YouTube. Go forth and enjoy.

Aside from the brilliant songs, the hilarious dialogue, the amazing costumes and the fact that these Queens do a 75 minute show with no breaks and full on dance choreography in six inch heels… I find the background to the show incredible.

As I mentioned before, the two creators of the show wrote this whilst at university.

What started as a University show went to the Edinburgh festival. Then it got a UK tour. Then a West End run. Then and extended West End run. Then a North American tour and two cruises ship series.

Now (if it weren’t for covid) it is in the West End, on Broadway, in Australia and has a second UK tour.

Not bad for two students. Am I right or am I right?

You may have gathered that I love this show.

It is girl power on steroids.

It makes you laugh, cry and think not just about the past but the present and future too.

I think everyone should see this show, but especially every little girl. To remind them that they are strong and powerful and beautiful and that they can write their own damn story.

After all, as Queens…


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