So disclaimer, I am a very cynical person.
Which means although I totally don’t want it too, this may end up sounding like just another cynical, sarcastic Valentine’s Day post.
It’s not.
Happy Valentine’s Day To You – The People Who Have Found Their Person.
Valentine’s Day is basically all about you. And I can honestly say that I could not be happier for the people who have found the loves of their lives.
Love is special.
And I wish you all a wonderful day and all the happiness I can.
However, this post is mainly for the following people,
Happy Valentine’s Day To You – The People Spending Valentine’s Alone.
Wassup my fellow single pringles?
Today can be kind of sucky am I right?
The main, I guess you’d say ‘complaint’ I here about Valentine’s Day is that it rubs it in single peoples faces that they are alone.
You cannot deny the fact that if you are single, you are by definition alone.
But there is nothing wrong with that.
I say again.
For real.
You remember my review of Daniel Sloss’s Stand Up Special: Jigsaw?
He talks about this topic a lot.
Talks about how the ultimate goal of finding love and a relationship is promoted and shoved into our minds from the times we are children.
Every Prince has a Princess.
Every Princess is saved by a Prince (which is a whole other TedTalk but I digress).
There are always characters in TV shows who are content being single and alone but guess what, that soon changes as they meet “the one”.
That one special random stranger who comes along out of nowhere and completes them.
And look I’m not saying that doesn’t ever happen. It does (thank you Tinder).
My point is that, from the time you watch your first Disney movie, this idea that finding the love of your life will complete you and fix all your problems, is there.
It’s in books and films and songs and in the people around you.
What I am here to say is this:
If you are single, that does not mean you are incomplete.
If you are single, that does not mean there is anything wrong with you.
If you are single, that does not mean that you are unloved or unlovable.
If you are single, that does not mean you are broken.
People can be single for a million different reasons.
Your worth doesn’t come from being in a relationship. You are you and that is more than enough.
But regardless of that being a fact; Valentine’s Day is still hard for single-pringles like you and me.
But we can focus on other things.
And as today is all about love, let’s remember that love is not exclusive to romance.
Reach out to your friends. Let them know that you love them and appreciate them.
Tell your family how much they mean to you.
Have some cuddles with your pet.
At the very least, V-Day is an excuse to pig out on chocolate and buy yourself some wine.
I’ve tried to be as un-cynical as possible. Because I mean it.
When my friends and family find love, it makes me so happy for them.
But I don’t love my single friends less just because they don’t have someone.
Being single does not make you any less worthy of any kind of love or happiness.
Happy Valentine’s Day my friends.
If nothing else, I love you.