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February and March Wrap Up (because I forgot the month of Feb existed. oops)



February and March were both not my most successful of reading months. But of the four books that I did read, the two below were INCREDIBLE.

The Book Eaters – by Sunyi Dean 4/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Rule of Wolves – by Leigh Bardugo 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Full reviews of both will be coming soon!


Daniel Sloss – Can’t – Live at the London Palladium – Saturday 18th February

  • First time seeing ‘The Sloss’ live and this mf did not disappoint. Covering everything from his desire to bring the Colosseum as the ultimate reality show, to the moment he finally realised he loved his new baby, to the never-ending list of what you ‘Can’t’ say – Sloss had the whole room in hysterics. Mostly me.

  • I was in tears about 3 minutes in.

  • His warm-up act Kai Humphries was also awesome – the two have been friends for years and even have a podcast together.

  • I was honestly worried like, what if this isn’t as good as I know it can be?

  • No need to worry – rurns out I can happily sit and listen to an angry Scottish man call people C**ts for 75 minutes.

  • 10/10 would recommend.

Fern Brady – Autistic Bikini Queen at the Barbican Theatre – Friday 10th March

  • I think I’ve found my autistic soulmate.

  • Fern Brady came to Plymouth on the 10th March 2023, with the show she’d been touring all over the country ‘Autistic Bikini Queen’.

  • Now actually, despite the title, the bulk of material was not about Fern’s late autism diagnosis (#relatable) and more about her general disdain for the concept of romance and the institution of marriage – made ten times funnier by the fact that there was a hen party in the front row.

  • Both Fern and her opening act Red would spend a fair bit of time apologising to and telling them that maaayyybbeeee this wasn’t the show for them.

An Evening with V.E Schwab – The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue livestream – Monday 13th of March

  • V.E Schwab has fast become one of my favourite writers (I've reviewed her work before - see the posts on 'Gallant' and 'The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue').

  • The latter of those that I've reviewed, Addie LaRue was released in the midst of the first Covid year.

  • Whilst priorities shifted, this obviously meant for Schwab, no press, no tours and no real human contact with the thousands of voracious readers who devoured Addie's story.

  • So now, in 2023, to mark the paperback release of the book, Schwab is touring the UK and the States for Q&A's, fan interactions and signing events.

  • Since I was unable to attend any of the UK dates in person (without bringing my bank account to its knees) I took the conventionally covid route and booked a place on the virtual livestream from the Edinburgh event.

  • And I may or may not have treated myself to a signed copy on delivery as well. I can neither confirm nor deny.

  • I've never known a writer to speak with the same lyricism and eloquence that you can find in all of her books. She answers questions with an otherworldly spirit and I've never paid more attention to a human being (or possible alien entity - TBC) than I did listening to her speak.

  • With a writer as prolific as Schwab, I'm confident/hopeful that I will get a chance to meet her in person in the years to come.

  • But this was a pretty sweet compromise.


The Last of Us – Best. Freakin. Show.

I can go into heavy detail… AND I WILL

Coming up…

On the first of April, Dad and I made the journey up to Leeds to watch Europe’s Strongest Man – a prickly beginning that turned into a pretty cool night.

More on that to come.


On the 14th, Mum and I will be seeing comedian Angela Barnes on her latest tour, and I can’t wait!

The end of my second-year looms and with it, the eerie shape of a dissertation has begun to appear from the mist – this and other such philosophical ponderings to be shared in due course.


Bit of a cop out because I feel guilty I haven’t been able to post for a while? Yisssss

But hey-ho, some things just have to come first.

But like a bad penny, I will always turn up again.

Possibly down the back of your sofa. You should check.



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