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Captain America: The Winter Soldier - A Review


Ladies and Germs welcome to a review of the greatest “superhero” movie of all time.

And I say “superhero” because in all honesty it doesn’t feel like a superhero movie. It feel more like a action thriller. It’s less flying, gods and lasers and more espionage, assassins and a masterclass in acting without words from one Sebastian Stan.

But we can come back to him later.

If you are by some miracle, a person who has not seen the winter soldier I suggest you scroll down a bit if you want to avoid spoilers.

The plot for this film is masterful. It brings to the forefront an incredibly tense and engaging story with characters that we already know and love, whilst also bringing in new people from major to minor roles and developing and integrating them well with the existing universe.

Dialogue is key to this and not a word is wasted.

For example; within the first minute of the film approximately 20 words are spoken. Maybe three sentences each between Steve Rogers and our new addition Sam Wilson. And in those three sentences a rapport is established, that is then captured and built on through the entire movie.

And all they are doing is freakin’ running.

Sorry my mistake, Sam is running, Steve is trying to break the speed of sound.

I didn’t watch this film until years after it came out so I didn’t experience it the way die hard fans did in 2014. However, that doesn’t mean that the gut punch reveal of what has become of Bucky Barnes didn’t get me all up in the feels.

The set up, the execution and the aftermath is pitch perfect and that is what I want to focus on for most of this review.

The Winter Soldier himself.


So from the minute we first see him, it is made abundantly clear that the Hydra Assassin, nicknamed the Winter Soldier by intelligence communities, is not to be fucked with.

Dude is jacked.

I swear I will do my best to make this the last time I visibly drool over the man but may I just say, God Bless Sebastian Stan’s workout routine.

But that’s not even what makes him such an intimidating force. It’s a whole bunch of things coming together.

Music: The score for the entire film is off the charts awesome, but there is something about the Winter Soldier’s specific theme that will set your teeth on edge the minute you hear it. You hear it and you know that ain’t nothing good about to follow.

Skill: Sooo, you may wanna fact check me on this but as far as I am aware, Sebastian Stan did the majority of his own stunts and fight work. That includes some pretty impressive and lightening quick knife skills. So once again, props to Sebastian for the effort and commitment, but kudos to the writing and production team who didn’t make the Winter Soldier just a creature of brute force. Yes, okay he rips a steering column out of Sam’s car, but I bet if I had a vibranium arm I could do that to, just saying. No, what I’m referring to is this:

You have an actor who put the effort in to be physically imposing.

But some of his most tense and nail biting moments come from skill not strength. His knife fight with Captain America makes me wince every time even though I know what’s coming. The show his combat skills and ability with guns.

Like I’d rather watch a dude try and gut the face of America than just throw him around like a rag doll. Does that make sense?

Skill over strength is all I’m saying.

Costume: The costuming and wardrobe for the entire film is awesome but the Winter Soldier’s whole look is so detailed and builds his character so much more.

It adds to his threat as an “antagonist” because of the obvious, it’s dark, it’s mysterious you don’t see his face for the first half of the film etc. etc.


Look at it closely.

The top half is similar to a straight jacket.

His mask, more like a muzzle.

Once you discover who he is, that he is not just this cold blooded killer, but really the brainwashed shell of a man so many fell in love with in the first Captain America film?

His costume and outfits take on a whole new meaning.

It is all about showing that he is controlled. That he is not in charge of his own mind or body or actions.

Then when you see him in the bank vault. Scientists working on his metal arm. Armed guards all around him. And then the fucking sleaze in a suite that bitch slaps him, just because he can and he knows he can because Bucky is programmed not to fight back against the ones who control him, even though he could snap Pierce in half without breaking a sweat.

That scene breaks my heart. It makes you see that Bucky in this film is like an abused animal. Think of the broken fucking dogs that get rescued from fighting rings. That to me, is what Bucky is like in this film.

He’s the world’s longest serving prisoner of war.

He deserves some peace.

Okay, okay I’ll stop fangirling over my poor broken Bucky. And yes I know he isn't real!

The rest of the cast are also all insanely good in this film.

Chris Evans is the *chef’s kiss PERFECT Captain America and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. FYI the lift fight scene is one of my favourites ever.

Antony Mackie was an amazing addition as Sam Wilson, AKA Falcon. BTW if you can, go check out The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, on Disney plus. Thank me later.

Scarlett Johansson. Someone catch me as I swoon. No one, I repeat NO ONE, could ever have brought Natasha Romanoff to life the way she did during her MCU run. The progression of Natasha’s character throughout this film gives me all the feels.

Actually, my one complaint about this film is that they do not give enough of Natasha’s backstory. Specifically, her history with Bucky. Comic book fans will know that The Black Widow and The Winter Soldier have quite a detailed storyline with each other and when I tell you I would have KILLED for more of it to be, not just in this film but the whole MCU.

But anyways. I digress.

In all seriousness I could go on for DAYS about how much I love this film. It’s not just one of my favourite MCU films, but one of my top three films ever!

Also, Sebastian Stan, if you ever read this… odds are I’m probably single.

So how you doin’? 😉


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