Brought To You By Headcase Productions
A Home For Book Lovers
Disclaimer - All opinions are my own and I swear like an absolute champion. Read at your own discretion.

Oh The Places You'll Go...

About The Page...
This page is all about trips and travels.
Each picture is somewhere I have been (I didn't take the photos though, I'm not that talented haha.)
The date is when I went.
And I intend to see more...

I don't remember too much of this one. I was three.

Again. Three years old.

Three. Years. Old.

Heck of a way to spend your birthday. But bloody cold too!

Again, I don't remember a lot of this trip. I remember being a flower girl at a wedding and riding the tamest of rollercoasters with my cousins. That's about it. Guess I will have to go back.

They have held a memorial service here every night since 1928 (minus when they were occupied by the Germans during World War Two).

Visiting these places was incredibly important. And I don't know if this is strange or not but, I found them to be very peaceful places.

You can't imagine how big that place is until you're stood next to it!

After I basically collapsed on the first day of our trip because of my 96 year old knees, my Latin teacher insisted on carrying my day bag for me for the remainder of the trip. These steps are not only a massive tourist sight, but they are the location of ruthless mocking by my peers. Aaah, memories.